AFP to stick with diplomacy first policy as Chinese militia vessels swarm WPS

Amid a “concerning resurgence” of Chinese “militia” vessels swarming the West Philippine Sea (WPS), the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) vowed to prioritize the government’s diplomacy first policy in addressing issues in the region.

“We have to put primacy on the diplomatic track so that these issues can be solved peacefully and with long term effect,” AFP Spokesperson Col. Medel Aguilar told CNN Philippines’ The Source on Friday.

Aguilar said the AFP now only performs patrols over the WPS and other contested areas to inform the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) on other incidents involving advances of the East Asian giant.

The AFP then supports official protests filed by the DFA over the Chinese incursions.

“Through these actions, we assert sovereign rights and jurisdiction over areas that are covered by the exclusive economic zone,” he added.

According to Aguilar, the swarming in the WPS – which began after China lifted its unilateral fishing moratorium in the South China Sea – is in no way connected to fishing activities.

“I’m no longer using the word fishing vessel. They are not into fishing activities and what they are doing there, as part of the operation of the China coast guard is quite concerning because that’s not how they should behave in an area that is not theirs,” he said.

In a statement, the AFP Western Command (Wescom) said its Sept. 6 and 7 patrols showed “heightened” swarming activities in three areas, where a total of 30 vessels were spotted.

Meanwhile, the AFP said US patrols over resupply missions to Ayungin Shoal will not escalate tensions in the region, maintaining that China is only diverting attention from the main issue to cover up their actions in the WPS.

“China is just trying to bring in another issue so that they can hopefully shield their atrocious acts in the area which does not belong to them,” Aguilar said.

Senators earlier raised concerns about the deployment of a US Navy aircraft during the recent resupply mission to the BRP Sierra Madre, wondering if its presence contributed to the operation’s success.

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